Activity, Charity, Health, Helping, Vaccine

Medical Outreach: At Wulomo Village

Event Report: Medical Outreach At Wulomo Village

Mission: Improving Living Conditions for Enhanced Well-being
Beneficiaries: Over Two Thousand Participants
Date: February 17, 2024


Our initiative at Wulomo Village seamlessly integrated educational workshops with compassionate outreach. Commencing with a heartfelt opening prayer, we initiated an enlightening discourse on the importance of maintaining a clean environment within the community. Demonstrating our unwavering dedication, every member of the EVFC team, accompanied by selected participants, actively participated in an extensive environmental sanitation campaign throughout Wulomo Village. This hands-on endeavor persisted for several hours, during which time we also established a medical center to address prevalent health concerns.

The medical team encountered a multitude of cases, ranging from common infections and malaria to instances of malnutrition and rare medical conditions, all of which were promptly referred for specialized care. Despite the prevailing economic hardships, our steadfast partners ensured the provision of essential food supplies and the distribution of gifts and clothing, bringing smiles to the faces of the village children.

Moreover, it became unmistakably clear that the living conditions in Wulomo Village fell significantly short of adequacy, with many basic necessities either absent or inaccessible to the residents. These resilient individuals undoubtedly warrant greater support, and we remain reliant on the continued collaboration of our partners and the generosity of contributors like you to effect meaningful change in their lives.

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Donation Total: ₦ 9,000.00

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Donation Total: ₦ 9,000.00

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Donation Total: ₦ 9,000.00

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Cristina Fair

March 19, 2024

Everyone loves it when individuals come together and share thoughts.
Great site, continue the good work!
